In this article, lets discuss about some of the myths which are related to affiliate marketing. For a beginner, who is just getting started with the affiliate marketing, there could be a ton of myths and questions about affiliate marketing that the one would come across. Following are some of the most common myths related to affiliate marketing, lets bust them one by one.

1. More Products Means More Profit
Many people say that if one product is not working for you then try another, if that is not working either then try promoting a bunch of different products at the same time with hope of at least one of them would work. But the bitter fact is, this is not how it works. You should only switch to a different product when you have tried every possible thing that you could do to make the previous product successful.
Before switching to other product you should thoroughly investigate what went wrong with the first product. Figure out if the product you were promoting was related to your targeted niche and also if the product was suitable to the traffic you were showing it to. If you pick a random product without any research and start promoting it to the traffic without knowing if the traffic you are targeting would find interest in the product or not, then obviously the product will fail.
2. Your Earnings Depends On Luck
Many say that the earnings or success in affiliate marketing is totally dependent on luck, this is absolutely untrue. Your success in affiliate marketing depends on your hard work, skills, how strong is your base and how strong your influence is on your audience or traffic.
3. Skills Are Not Required In Affiliate Marketing
Many say that in affiliate marketing you do not need to have any skills to be successful, which is not true. There are different ways of doing affiliate marketing, such as building email list, running google or Facebook ads etc. If you do not know how to properly set up or optimize Google or Facebook ads and how to properly generate traffic that is interested in your product then you are gonna face the hard time with affiliate marketing.
4. Affiliate Marketing Cannot Be A Full Time Business
People say that affiliate marketing is just a part time activity and it cannot be a full time thing. There are many influencers and affiliate marketers who have adopted affiliate marketing as a full time business and making a living out of it. Yes, many people do start affiliate marketing as a part time activity along with their main job. But with the enormous potential that the affiliate marketing has, one could easily make it a full time business and live a happy successful life.
5. Website Is Necessary
Many people who are thinking about doing affiliate marketing usually have this doubt of whether or not a website is necessary for affiliate marketing. In few cases, such as if you are going to promote your products through social media platforms, you do not need to have a website.
But if you are looking at affiliate marketing as a long term business then you would need to have a website. If you are looking to get traffic from the google ads or Facebook ads, you would need to have a website that you can use as a landing page.
6. You Need To Be An Expert At All Fields Of Affiliate Marketing
Many people think that to be an affiliate marketer you need to have expertise in all fields such as SEO, PPC (pay per click), lead generation, social media, building email list, content marketing, google ads, Facebook ads etc, but that is not the case. But you need to be an expert in at least one or couple of them to be able to make things work in affiliate marketing, but yes you do not necessarily need to be a master at everything.
7. Consumers Do Not Like Affiliate Links
Many think that if they give people their direct affiliate links the consumers take it as a suspicious thing or they think you will get a commission and they instead buy it directly from the main seller. It is not really true, the problem arise when the pricing of the product or service in your link is same as the normal pricing. You would have to add some additional offers or bonuses to make it attractive to the consumers in order to make them purchase through your links.
To know more about what exactly affiliate marketing is, we recommend you to read our dedicated article explaining the same by clicking HERE.