What Is On-Page SEO And Off-Page SEO? How To Do On-Page SEO And Off Page SEO?

If you are a blogger or web developer, you must have heard about the terms on-page SEO and off-page SEO. So, what exactly does on-page SEO and off-page SEO mean? Well in this article lets try to understand exactly that and also the differences between them.

On-page SEO and off-page SEO are actually types of doing SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it comes into play when we want to optimize our websites, web pages according to search engine. In simple words, it is a process of making our website and its pages search friendly so that search engines can put them on the top positions in search results whenever someone searches keywords related to that particular website.

What Is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is the optimization that we do on our website or web pages. Or in other words, the optimization process which is in our control being owner of some particular website is called On-page SEO. On-page SEO involves optimizing page structure, HTML, content, URLs etc, means those things which you as a website owner can control.

On-page SEO involves optimizing following things.

  • Optimizing HTML file
  • Optimizing content
  • Making the content keyword rich
  • Optimizing URLs
  • Optimizing images
  • Technical aspects of the website

What Is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO is the optimization that you do outside of your website. In other words, the optimization that we do on some other websites and servers for our websites to get traffic from those websites or servers is called off-page SEO.

Off-page SEO involves optimizing following things.

  • Creating backlinks for your website on other popular and high traffic websites.
  • Increasing domain authority of your website.
  • Popularizing your website on social media.
  • Linking your website to popular forums such as Quora, Reddit, GitHub, Medium etc.

What Are The Techniques To Do On-page And Off-page SEO?

There are three techniques for doing on-page SEO as well as off-page SEO.

1. White Hat Techniques

White hat SEO is highly recommended and following are the things you should know about white hat SEO.

  • It involves only ethical and organic SEO activities for implementation.
  • White hat SEO follows search engine guidelines and algorithms.
  • It gives results that are long lasting and sustainable in terms of rankings.
  • White hat SEO helps in building positive online reputation of your website or business.

Following are the techniques used in White Hat SEO.

  • Making SEO and user friendly website according to the google updates and guidelines.
  • Increasing loading and response speed of the website.
  • Making website desktop and mobile compatible.
  • Creating unique and informative content.
  • Making meta tag and description keyword rich and relevant to page content.
  • Making website structure user friendly.

2. Black Hat Techniques

Black hat SEO is definitely not recommended and Following are few things you should know about black hat SEO.

  • It is completely unethical process.
  • Black hat SEO violates search engine guidelines and algorithms.
  • Black hat seo provides quick and good results in short time but the results are not sustainable and long lasting.
  • Use of black hat SEO can result in your domain getting black listed and removed from the search engine.
  • Black hat SEO is a spamming tactic.
  • Your website could be penalized for lifetime with black hat SEO.

Following are the techniques used in Black Hat SEO

  • Getting paid or artificial traffic.
  • Using hidden texts in the website.
  • Reusing already ranked articles or posts.
  • Use of hidden links in the website.
  • Use of cloaking.
  • Over optimizing the website.
  • Use of misleading content to attract visitors.
  • Manipulating the links.
  • SERP or search engine result page spamming.
  • Use of crooked websites.

3. Grey Hat Techniques

Grey hat SEO is actually a mix of white hat SEO and Black hat SEO. This technique involves use of 80% to 90% white hat SEO and 10% to 20% use of black hat SEO.

To know more about basic concept of SEO you can read our dedicated article by clicking HERE.

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