What Is ‘SEO’ Or ‘Search Engine Optimization’?

If you have a YouTube channel but you are not getting any views or if you have created a website but you are not getting any visitors. In such case, how SEO can actually help you get ton of views to your YouTube channel or visitors to your website? Well hopefully at the end of this article you will be able to better understand the whole concept of SEO.

So, what exactly is SEO? SEO stands for search engine optimization. Now, Suppose you have developed a website and you have published few articles or blog posts on your website. Publishing ton of articles alone will not get you traffic or visitors to your website and a website without visitors will not do the justice to your efforts whatsoever. So the question is how you can actually get the traffic to your website?

There are 3 ways you can get traffic or visitors to your website.

1. Social Media

Here the strategy is simple, you can just spam your website by posting your website link on the popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. But with this method, you can get maximum of few hundreds of visitors to your website. Also, this trick actually work only for a short period of time as most of the social media platforms these days have become smart enough to detect spam activities. Excessive use of this method to generate traffic could end up with your social media accounts disabled.

2. Run Paid Ads For Your Website

If you desperately need visitors on your website, you can actually run ads for your website using Facebook ads or Google ads on particular keywords related to your website. This way of generating traffic is obviously not free and you would have to spend considerable amount of money to run these ads. If you are a beginner or a small start up business with tight budgets, this method might not bring you any satisfactory results.

3. Organic Search

From the organic search you can get millions of visitors and that too for absolutely free. So how is this possible? Assume you need to search something on the internet, then what would you do? You would first go to Google search or any other search engines such as Yahoo, Bing etc and you will type a keyword in the search bar. Keyword is actually a word that you type in the search bar.

Suppose you searched for ‘what is SEO’, here what is SEO is the keyword. Once you type that in, it is the search engine’s responsibility to show the list of websites that explain the searched query. So, how does a search engines make these lists to show which websites to show first? This is exactly where the SEO comes into play.

It all comes down to how well you optimize search engine so that it will show your website in the top positions or at least on the first page of search results. The better the position of your website on the search results the more visitors your website gets.

If you are a beginner, then the very basic thing you can do is to let the search engines know about your website. To do this, you just have to submit the sitemaps of your website in the Google Search Console and Bing webmaster tool. The crawlers of the search engines might take few days to crawl and discover the posts urls in your website and then to index them.

Once your website is indexed, it will start showing up on the search results for the keywords that your website is related to. If your website is brand new, even if the search consoles shows your website is indexed, it does not mean your website will start showing up on top of the search results. It all depends on the artificial intelligence and complex algorithms of the search engines that decides which websites to show on the top positions.

Generally search engines prefer older websites that are creating quality content consistently. So all you need to do is create unique and quality content on your website on consistent basis and let your website grow. Sooner or later your website will definitely start getting visitors.

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